Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Ibadat 59

sake of Allah with four Takbirs for praying for this dead man.
Afterwards we shall raise our two hands upto the ears saying
Allahu Akbar. Then we shall bind our hands on naval area in
Salat like Tahrima.

Then we shall say Sana, "Subhanaka Allahumma Wa Bihamdika Wa
Tabarakasmuka Wa Ta'ala Jadduka Wa Jalla Sanauka Wa La Ilaha

Immediately after saying Sana we shall say Allahu Akbar for second
time and recite Darud with the Imam. Then we shall say Allahu
Akbar with the Imam for the third time in hand binding position and
recite the Dua given below :

Meaning: Oh Allah! Forgive all of us who are living and dead,

Allahummagfir Lihaiena Wa
Mayyitina, Wa Shahidina, Wa

Wa Sageerina, Wa kabeerina, Wa

Ahyaitahu Minna Fa Ahihee Alal

Fatawaffahu Alal Iman.

Islam, Wa Man Tawaffaitahu

Zakarina, Wa Unsana. Allahumma
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