Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
60 Religious Studies: Islam

Minha Khalaqnakum

present and absent, younger and elder, male and female. Oh
Allah Keep us upon Islam whom you keep alive, and whom you
give death, give it with believe (Iman).

After reciting this Dua, we shall say Allahu Albar with the Iman
for the fourth time in the hand binding position. Then we shall
say Salam to the right and left side with hand binding position.
Then we shall complete the Janaza Salat making hands free.


As the bath of the dead person is Farz-e-kefaia, similarly burial
is also Farz-e-kefaia. Immediately after the Salat of Janaza is
finished the dead body will be taken to grave. We shall say at
the time of lying the dead body in grave:

Meaning: "We are placing, upon the name of Allah and Deen
(religion) of Rasulullah (Sm)."

During the time of burial it is Mustahab for all of the present
ones to give three handfuls of soil in the grave. The following is
to be said at the time of giving the first handful-

Meaning: "I have created you with this soil,"

Bismillahi Wa Ala Millati Rasulillah.
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