Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Ibadat 63

We can meet our neighbours five times a day if we perform Salat at
the Mosque. In this way friendship is built up with each other. If
anybody falls in difficulty, others get informed. They can help
him. So, we shall perform Salat at Mosque.

There are innumerable mosques in this world. The number of
the mosques in Bangladesh is more than two lacs. The three
most dignified mosques are, Mashjid -e-Haram (the ka'ba),
Masjid-e-Nababi and Masjid -ul- Aksa.

There are some etiquettes of the mosque Such as:

  1. Entering the Mosque neat and clean.

  2. Saying the prayer mentioned below at the time of entering the

Allahummuf Tahlee Abwaba Rahmatika.

Meaning: "Oh Allah! Open your door of bounties for me".

  1. To sit in a vacant place, entering the mosque without giving

The holy Ka'ba
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