Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
64 Religious Studies: Islam

trouble to any body.

  1. To sit in front place if it is vacant. It is violation of the

etiquette of the mosque to tell some one else to go to the
front without going by one'sself.

  1. Not uttering any unnecessary words inside the Mosque.

  2. Not to go to the front crossing other people

  3. Not to make a noise. Speaking in a low voice.

  4. Not to make any movement in front of a Musalli who is

performing Salat.

  1. Saying the dua given below when coming out of the


Allahumma Innee Asaluka Min Fadlika

Meaning: "Oh Allah, I am seeking your grace".

Masjid-e- Nababi
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