Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
76 Religious Studies: Islam

The persons who are dedicated to serve Islam (8) The
employees appointed for collecting Zakat.

Allah becomes pleased, if Zakat is paid off. The wealth
becomes purified and increases. The distinction between the
rich and the poor is removed. Peace is established in the society.
If Zakat is not paid, then Allah becomes displeased. The
difference between the rich and the poor prevails, disorder is
created in the society. There is also severe punishment in the
life after death (Akhirat).

We shall pay Zakat as per calculation.

We shall serve the society.

We shall get rid of severe punishment in the life after death.


Hajj is the fifth Rukon (pillar) of Islam. Hajj means to desire or
to wish. To travel to holy Makka for visiting (Ziarat) holy ka'ba
and some other holy places adjacent to holy ka'ba following
some fixed rules and time is called Hajj.

Ka'ba is the House of Allah. It is the Quibla of the Muslims. All
Muslims of the world perform their Salat facing the ka'ba. We also
do that. During Hajj the rituals of moving around the holy ka'ba is
the (Tawaf) and visited (Ziarat) of the holy ka'ba is performed.

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