Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
78 Religious Studies: Islam

recited with Ihram again and
again while in lhram.
One has to perform the Tawaf
(moving around the holy ka'ba)
immediately after reaching
Makka. The black stone would be
kissed each time at the beginning
and at the end of Tawaf. Two
Rakat Salat should be performed
at the place named Makam-e-
Ibrahim. One has to run between
Safa and Marwa (saee) after
coming out from here.


After that one has to stay at tents for five or six days. One has to
listen to the instruction of khutba at the field of Arafat after one
day's staying at the tent of Mina. Then the stones should be
thrown returning to Mina after one night staying at tent. Then
the sacrifice (Qurbani) should be done here.

To run between the hills safa-Marwa (saee) at the time other
than Hajj is called 'Omra'. 'Omra' is also worth of rewards.

The Hajj is an august gathering of the Muslims of the world.
During Hajj innumerable Muslims from all of the countries of
the world are gathered together. This is an excellent assembly.
No body is concerned about the language, the complexion of the
body and the race of the people around them. All of them are of
the same dress, same aim and same identity. Every body is the

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