Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Ibadat 79

servant of Allah. Everybody is a brother to another. All of them
stay for some days unitedly in this way. The people of one
country makes inquiries about other countries. As a result the
brotherhood and love is built up between the Muslims of the
whole world. The same utterance in is every body's voice.
"Labbaek Allahumma Labbaek". We are present O Allah! We
are present at your court."

The sins of the past life are forgiven through Hajj. The Prophet
(Sm) said: "The person who performs the Hajj becomes as
innocent as a new born baby".

To Visit Madina (Ziarat)

The Hajjies visit Rawza Mubarak of the Prophet (Sm) at the
Mosque of Nababi after going to holy Madina during Hajj.
There are many places and evidences here connected attached to
the memories of the Prophet (Sm).

Practical Duas (Prayers)

All power is of Allah. He is the Master of everything. We shall
seek his help in all of our works. We shall pray to Him only. We
shall start all the good deeds with His name. The Prophet (sm)
said duas before doing anything. We shall also say the duas
before starting our works. Some of the duas are mentioned

  1. We shall say before starting each good deed

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
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