Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
86 Religious Studies: Islam

  1. What is Eid-ul-Fitr?

  2. Write down the Sunnats of the Eid day.

  3. What do you understand by Qurbani?

  4. In how many portions the meat of Qurbani should be
    divided into? Who should be given the meat?

  5. What is Akika?

  6. What is Zakat?

  7. What do you understand by the Zakat-e- Nesab?

  8. Who should be given Zakat?

  9. What good result can be gained through giving Zakat

  10. What do you mean by Roza?

  11. What are the benefits of Roza?

  12. Write down the dua of Ifter in Bangla.

  13. What is Hajj?

  14. What are the main steps of Hajj?

  15. Why Hajj is called the great congregation of the Muslims
    of the world?

  16. What have we to say when we forget to say Bismillah
    before starting any work?

  17. What dua have we to say after sneezing?

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