Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
92 Akhlaq or Character

The Prophet (Sm) said:

Meaning: "The person who does not show affection to the

youngers and respect to the elders does not belong to our

group." These deeds and qualities are called Akhlaq.

On the other hand the bad deeds or the bad character is: to

disobey parents, to behave with guest, badly to be cruel to the

animals. To tell lies, not to honuor the elders and not to be

affectionate to the youngers. To break promises, to misbehave

with orphans, beggars, poor. Not to be neat and clean, to cause

sufferings to somebody. Oppression, terrorism, drug addiction

etc. are always considered as bad practices to people. But we

shall acquire the best qualities of the character and abstain from

the blamable sides.

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