Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
94 Akhlaq or Character

We have mango, berry, jackfruit, coconut trees at our home. We
have also the lichi, banana and papaya trees. We shall distribute
some of the fruits of these trees to the neighbours around us.
They will be happy at this. They will be much more happy, if
they are poor. At this Allah will be satisfied with us.

Like fruits and grains we shall give the neighbours some
vegetables, onions, garlics. We shall be rewarded at this. Allah
becomes happy. Similarly we shall distribute clothes. This is
worth of rewards. Allah has instruction regarding this matter.

We shall show kindness to the other creations of Allah. We
shall not cause pain to any animals, beasts and birds. We shall
take care of domestic animals too.

There is in one Hadith: Once a woman saw a dog. The dog was
very much thirsty and it was about to die. The woman felt
sympathy. She held water at the dog's mouth bringing from a near
by well. The dog got comfort drinking water and got its life back.

The nursing of a sick person
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