Upgrading & Fixing Laptops DUMmIES

(Darren Dugan) #1
Keep your hands clean.Keep a package of wipes in your computer bag
to remove food residue, oils, and dirt.
Pay attention to the environment in which you are working.Is it
excessively dirty? Is machinery in the area putting sawdust or, even
worse, metal filings in the air?

If you absolutely must use a laptop in that sort of an environment, you
have a few options:

  • Purchase and use a keyboard skinthat lays over the top of the keys
    to protect it. The skin will slow down your typing and otherwise
    make it difficult to use the laptop, but it keeps junk from getting
    below the keys.

  • Buy a mil-specor ruggedizedlaptop, which is specifically designed
    for use in dirty, wet, corrosive, and other exciting places to work.
    You’ll pay a thousand dollars or more above the price of a stan-
    dard laptop for the privilege.
    Keep a lid on it. When your laptop is not in use, keep the cover closed
    and store it in a clean and stable location.

Cleaning Up Your Act...................................................................................

If you use your laptop regularly, clean it every few weeks or so; if the portable
is only powered up for an occasional trip, perform your electronic ablutions
each time you prepare to pack your bag.

Running interference .........................................................................

Practice some preventive maintenance. Make sure the computer is turned
off and disconnected from power sources; for the highest degree of safety,
remove the battery pack as well.

Flip it.Carefully turn the laptop upside down, holding it above a trash
can or — if you have some prurient interest in what you’ll find or are
looking for a lost contact lens — over a clean white sheet of paper or

Fan it.Use a soft-bristle brush to gently floss between the keys. For a
deeper, more satisfying cleaning, use a can of compressed, filtered air
to blow away dirt and other evidence of your existence. (If you do this
over a clean surface, you will be amazed at what tumbles out: crumbs,
eyelashes, flecks of skin or nails, and the occasional non-computer bug.)

Chapter 10: Tripping the Keyboard Fantastic 165

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