Chapter 6
Brain Matters: Memory,
Microprocessors, and BIOS
In This Chapter
Thinking about computers
Pushing the boundaries of your memory
Installing memory upgrades
Fixing and flashing the system BIOS
Considering the wisdom of motherboard and CPU upgrades
umans are not machines, and machines are not humans. But since
humans created machines, we have some similarities and parallels. To
understand a bit about how your laptop works, you should use your memory,
brain, and mind.
In this chapter I discuss replacement and upgrade of computer memory,
control of the system BIOS, and a bit about the microprocessor on your
laptop’s motherboard. As you prepare to consider upgrading or replacing
these essential elements of your laptop, begin with an exploration of
memory, brain, and mind.
Doing Some Computing .................................................................................
A human being’s memory is the storage place for things learned. The brain
is the management center where decisions are made and systems (the heart,
the lungs, the digestive system) are controlled. And the mind is the home to
feelings, emotions, creativity, and consciousness. Now consider the highly
advanced electromechanical computer, in the instance of this book, in its
miniaturized laptop form.