Your machine might instead be designed to require memory expansion as
one bank of two; that means two available slots are organized as a single
bank. Therefore, you need to buy and installed matched pairsof memory and
install them at the same time in the available slots. Other possible designs
include banks of four, which require installation of four modules at a time.
What do you do if your available expansion slots are already populated with
modules? Alas, the only solution for expansion is to remove the older, smaller
modules and replace them with new, larger ones. (Don’t throw away the old
memory, though: You may be able to donate them to a school or charity, or
you may be able to resell them on eBay or other electronic flea markets.)
When you do buy memory, keep the limits in mind: It is less expensive to buy
larger-capacity memory now rather than buy a smaller module now and then
replace it with a larger unit later.
Figure 6-1:
The basic
screen of
the Toshiba
tool gives
you model
name, part
number, and
The Diag-
nostic Tool
tab allows
testing of
82 Part II: Explaining What Could Possibly Go Wrong