The preceding approximate tension calculations could have been more accurate with the use of actual
stress-strain curves and graphic sag-tension solutions, as described in detail inGraphic Method for Sag
Tension Calculations for ACSR and Other Conductors(Aluminum Company of America, 1961). This
method, although accurate, is very slow and has been replaced completely by computational methods.
14.3 Numerical Sag-Tension Calculations
Sag-tension calculations are normally done numerically and allow the user to enter many different
loading and conductor temperature conditions. Both initial and final conditions are calculated and
multiple tension constraints can be specified. The complex stress-strain behavior of ACSR-type con-
ductors can be modeled numerically, including both temperature, and elastic and plastic effects.
14.3.1 Stress-Strain Curves
Stress-strain curves for bare overhead conductor include a minimum of an initial curve and a final curve
over a range of elongations from 0 to 0.45%. For conductors consisting of two materials, an initial and
final curve for each is included. Creep curves for various lengths of time are typically included as well.
Overhead conductors are not purely elastic. They stretch with tension, but when the tension is
reduced to zero, they do not return to their initial length. That is, conductors are plastic; the change
in conductor length cannot be expressed with a simple linear equation, as for the preceding hand
calculations. The permanent length increase that occurs in overhead conductors yields the difference in
initial and final sag-tension data found in most computer programs.
Figure 14.7 shows a typical stress-strain curve for a 26=7 ACSR conductor (Aluminum Association,
1974); the curve is valid for conductor sizes ranging from 266.8 to 795 kcmil. A 795 kcmil-26=7 ACSR
‘‘Drake’’ conductor has a breaking strength of 31,500 lb (14,000 kg) and an area of 0.7264 in.^2 (46.9
mm^2 ) so that it fails at an average stress of 43,000 psi (30 kg=mm^2 ). The stress-strain curve illustrates
that when the percent of elongation at a stress is equal to 50% of the conductor’s breaking strength
(21,500 psi), the elongation is less than 0.3% or 1.8 ft (0.55 m) in a 600-ft (180 m) span.
Note that the component curves for the steel core and the aluminum stranded outer layers are
separated. This separation allows for changes in the relative curve locations as the temperature of the
conductor changes.
For the preceding example, with the Drake conductor at a tension of 6300 lb (2860 kg), the length
of the conductor in the 600-ft (180 m) span was found to be 0.27 ft longer than the span. This
tension corresponds to a stress of 8600 psi (6.05 kg=mm^2 ). From the stress-strain curve in Fig. 14.7,
this corresponds to an initial elongation of 0.105% (0.63 ft). As in the preceding hand calculation, if the
conductor is reduced to zero tension, its unstressed length would be less than the span length.
12,275 Ibs
Slack / Elongation, ft
Tension, Ibs
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
FIGURE 14.6 Sag-tension solution for 600-ft span of Drake at 0 8 F and 0.5 in. ice.