Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution

(Tina Meador) #1
.It has been observed that the reactive power characteristic of fluorescent lights not only varies
from manufacturer to manufacturer, from old to new, from long tube to short tube, but also
varies from capacitive to inductive depending upon applied voltage and frequency. This variation
makes it difficult to obtain a good representation of the reactive power of a composite system and
also makes it difficult to estimate theDQ=DV characteristic of a composite system.
.The relationship between reactive power and voltage is more non-linear than the relationship
between real power and voltage, making Q more difficult to estimate than P.
.For some of the equipment or appliances, the amount of Q required at the nominal operating
voltage is very small; but when the voltage changes, the change in Q with respect to the base Q can
be very large.
.Many distribution systems have switchable capacitor banks either at the substations or along
feeders. The composite Q characteristic of a distribution feeder is affected by the switching
strategy used in these banks.

20.5 Static Load Characteristics

The component models appearing inTables 20.1and 20.2 can be combined and synthesized to create
other more convenient models. These convenient models fall into two basic forms: exponential and

20.5.1 Exponential Models

The exponential form for both real and reactive power is expressed in Eqs. (20.1) and (20.2) below as a
function of voltage and frequency, relative to initial conditions or base values. Note that neither
temperature nor torque appear in these forms. Assumptions must be made about temperature and=or
torque values when synthesizing from component models to these exponential model forms.







TABLE 20.2 Static Models of Typical Load Components—Transformers and Induction Motors

Load Component Static Component Model

Core Loss Model P¼
KVA(systembase)^0 :00267V

 (^2) þ 0 : 73  10  (^9) e 13 :5V 2
Q¼ KVA(rating)
0 :00167V^2 þ 0 : 268  10 ^13 e^22 :76V^2

where V is voltage magnitude in per unit
1-fMotor P¼1.0þ0.5179DVþ0.9122Dtþ3.721DV^2 þ0.350Dt^2 1.326DVDt
Constant Torque Q¼0.9853þ2.7796DVþ0.0859Dtþ7.368DV^2 þ0.218Dt^2 1.799DVDt
3-fMotor (1–10HP) P¼1.0þ0.2250DVþ0.9281Dtþ0.970DV^2 þ0. 086Dt^2 0.329DVDt
Const. Torque Q¼0.7810þ2.3532DVþ0.1023Dt5.951DV^2 þ0.446Dt^2 1.48DVDt
3-fMotor (10HP=Above) P¼1.0þ0.0199DVþ1.0463Dtþ0.341DV^2 þ0.116Dt^2 0.457DVDt
Const. Torque Q¼0.6577þ1.2078DVþ0.3391Dtþ4.097DV^2 þ0.289Dt^2 1.477DVDt
1-fMotor P¼1.0þ0.7101
DVþ0.9073Dtþ2.13DV^2 þ0.245Dt^2 0.310DVDt
Variable Torque Q¼0.9727þ2.7621
DVþ0.077Dtþ6.432DV^2 þ0.174Dt^2 1.412DVDt
3-fMotor (1–10HP) P¼1.0þ0.3122
DVþ0.9286Dtþ0.489DV^2 þ0.081Dt^2 0.079DVDt
Variable Torque Q¼0.7785þ2.3648
DVþ0.1025Dtþ5.706DV^2 þ0.13Dt^2 1.00DVDt
3-fMotor (10HP & Above) P¼1.0þ0.1628
DVþ1.0514Dtff0.099DV^2 þ0.107Dt^2 þ0.061DVDt
Variable Torque Q¼0.6569þ1.2467
DVþ0.3354Dtþ3.685DV^2 þ0.258Dt^2 1.235DV*Dt

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