completely meet the system needs during the month(s) with the most sunlight, and then provide backup
generation of another type, such as a gasoline generator, to provide the difference in energy during the
remaining months.
Such a system poses an interesting challenge for the system controller. It needs to be designed to make
maximum use of PV power before starting the generator. Since generators operate most efficiently at
about 90% of full load, the controller must provide for battery charging by the generator at the
appropriate rate to maximize generator efficiency. Typically the generator will be sized to
charge the batteries from 20 to 70% charge in about 5 h. When the batteries have reached 70% charge,
the generator shuts down to allow available sunlight to complete the charging cycle. If the sunlight is not
available, the batteries discharge to 20% and the cycle is repeated.
Figure 3.1 shows schematic diagrams of a few typical PV applications.
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