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(Barry) #1

Ile let thame stand till they doun fa',
For here nevir mair maun I bee, O."

"And quhat wulze leive tozour bairns andzour wife,
Edward, Edward?
And quhat wulze leive tozour bairns andzour wife,
Quhanze gang ovir the sea, O?"

"The warldis room, let thame beg throw life,
Mither, mither:
The warldis room, let thame beg throw life,
For thame nevir mair wul I see, O."

"And quhat wulze leive tozour ain mither deir,
Edward, Edward?
And quhat wulze leive tozour ain mither deir?
My deir son, now tell me, O."

"The curse of hell frae me sallze beir,
Mither, mither:
The curse of hell frae me sallze beir,
Sic counseilsze gave to me, O."

This curious song was transmitted to the Editor by Sir David Dalrymple, Bart., late
Lord Hanes.

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