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(Barry) #1

III. The Jew's Daughter.A SCOTTISH BALLAD......................................................

This fragment is founded upon the supposed practice of the Jews in crucifying
or otherwise murdering Christian children, out of hatred to the religion of their
parents: a practice which hath been always alleged in excuse for the cruelties
exercised upon that wretched people, but which probably never happened in a single
instance. For, if we consider, on the one hand, the ignorance and superstition of the
times when such stories took their rise, the virulent prejudices of the monks who
record them, and the eagerness with which they would be catched up by the barbarous
populace as a pretence for plunder; on the other hand, the great danger incurred by the
perpetrators, and the inadequate motives they could have to excite them to a crime of
so much horror; we may reasonably conclude the whole charge to be groundless and

The following ballad is probably built upon some Italian legend, and bears a
great resemblance to thePrioresse's Talein Chaucer. The poet seems also to have had
an eye to the known story ofHugh of Lincoln, a child said to have been murdered by
the Jews in the reign of Henry III. The conclusion of this ballad appears to be
wanting: what it probably contained may be seen in Chaucer. As for Mirryland Toun,
it is probably a corruption of Milan (called by the Dutch Meylandt) Town. [1] The Pa
is evidently the river Po, although the Adige, not the Po, runs through Milan.

Printed from a MS. copy sent from Scotland.

THE rain rins doun through Mirry-land toune,
Sae dois it doune the Pa:
Sae dois the lads of Mirry-land toune,
Quhan they play at the ba'.

Than out and cam the Jewis dochtèr,
Said, "Will ye cum in and dine?"
"I winnae cum in, I cannae cum in,
Without my play-feres nine."

Scho powd an apple reid and white
To intice thezong thing in:
Scho powd an apple white and reid,
And that the sweit bairne did win.

And scho has taine out a little pen-knife,
And low down by her gair,
Scho has twin'd thezong thing and his life;
A word he nevir spak mair.

And out and cam the thick thick bluid,
And out and cam the thin;
And out and cam the bonny herts bluid:
Thair was nae life left in.

Scho laid him on a dressing borde,
And drest him like a swine,
And laughing said, "Gae nou and pley
Withzour sweit play-feres nine."

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