Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


Alessandro Dommarco was born in

Ortona al Mare in 1912 and has been living

in Rome since 1931. Having graduated from

college with a degree in political science, he

initially took up teaching, and later attained

a high administrative position in the state

bureaucracy. He was a member of the

Editorial Board of Marsia, a review of

literature and criticism, and has contributed

to numerous periodicals and journals. His

main interest has been French literature, and

he has translated Mallarmé and Jean Cassou.

His poems and translations have appeared in

various cultural reviews and anthologies.

He has published: Immagini e miti

[Images and Myths], 1951; Frutti avari

[Meager Fruits], Quaderni di Marsia, 1959;

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