Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Esposito, Panorama della poesia dialettale

abruzzese, Rome: Edizioni dell’Urbe, 1989; F.

Brevini, Le parole perdute, Turin: Einaudi,

1990; V. Esposito, Poesia, non-poesia, anti-

poesia del ‘900 italiano, Foggia: Bastogi, 1992.

Alessandro Dommarco is the greatest

living poet of Abruzzi and one of the most

representative figures of the dialect

Parnassus of the late Twentieth Century.

Like so many others, he made his debut in

Italian, in the Fifties, earning critical

recognition; but it is in dialect that he was to

find his most congenial vocation, also due to

the fact that he grew up in an environment

that was favorable to it (his father, Luigi

Dommarco, was a talented dialect poet).

His output is not abundant, but very

exacting in its choice of themes and style.

Already in the first collection, Tembe storte,

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