Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Studi Santo Calì.

He was also a keen essayist, and has left a

vast body of critical work, among which:

Folklore etneo [Etnean Folklore] 1959; La

pazienza dei contadini [The Patience of

Farmers], 1959; Cento lire al giorno per morire

di fame [One Hundred Lire a Day to Die of

Hunger], 1962; Frate Feliciano da Messina, il

Raffaello dei Cappuccini, 1968.

He was included in Mondadori’s

anthology Le parole di legno. Poesia in

dialetto del 900 italiano, 1984, edited by

Mario Chiesa and Gianni Tesio.

He died in his Linguaglossa the night

between the 15th and 16th of December,


For Santo Calì (1918-1972), the

Linguaglossa dialect ─ the language of his

hometown ─ becomes his idiom and the

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