Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

having made fun of justice, harsh with the

poor (not with the private guards who lord

it, while their crimes go unpunished): a

theme that interested Verga and Vito

Mercadante; Canti Siciliani [Sicilian Songs],

1969. a poem about emigration and distant

love, in a France never really visited but

realistically depicted; Yossiph Shyrin (1971).

Criticism: B. Piccitto, in Corriere di Sicilia,

June 23, 1967; L. Sciascia ─ V. Di Maria,

Almanacco siciliano, Catania 1971; L. Patanè,

Preface to La notti longa, Linguaglossa 1972;

M. Cavallaro, Santo Calì un uomo scomodo,

Catania 1979; Santo Calì, Yossiph Shyryn,

antology edited by N. Scamacca, Trapani

1980; Santo Calì, Acts of the Convegno

Nazionale di Studi, Linguaglossa, 16-19

December 1982.

1 R. Contarino, Santo Calì, in: Novecento Siciliano, Vol.I,
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