Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


Born in 1934 in Alghero, an elementary

school teacher and freelance journalist,

Rafael Sari published his first poem in 1928

in the newspaper L’isola, edited at the time

by the the Sassari poet Salvator Ruju. From

1947 he collaborated for many years with La

Nuova Sardegna, published in Sassari, in

which all his poems appeared,

posthumously collected in the volumes

Ombra i sol ─ Poemes de l’Alquer [Shadow and

Sun ─ Poems of Alghero] and Ciutat mia (pà

de casa) [My City], published by Edizioni

della Torre in Cagliari respectively in 1980

and 1984. Rafael Sari, who has received wide

recognition in Sardinia and Spain, died in

Alghero in 1978.

Rafael Sari has been the Sardinian poet

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