Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

sinew and word), to paraphrase the poet.


1 cf., to have an idea, Frammenti di luce, poesie
folkloristiche, ed. Circolo Poetico-Culturale “Bartolomeo
Battilocchio”, Civitavecchia, s.d., and, by Ettore Pierrettori,
La Tòrfa dal Barsòlo ─ Poesia in dialetto tolfetano, Turin:
Gruppo Editoriale Forma, 1982.
2 Piero Bargellini, Pian de’ Giullari, vol. I, Florence:
Vallecchi, 1946.
3 Gaetano Mariani, “Pascarella nella letteratura
Romantico-Verista”, in Ottocento Romantico e Verista,
Naples: Gianni Editore, 1972, p. 531.
4 Franco Brevini, in Introduction to Cesare Pascarella, La
scoperta dell’America e altri sonetti, Milan: Mondadori, 1992.
5 Ugo Ojetti, in Alla scoperta dei letterati, new edition ed.
by Pietro Pancrazi, Florence: Sansoni, 1946, p. 239.
7 Gaetano Mariani writes in Ottocento Romantico e Verista,
op. cit., p. 561: “I don’t believe that to explain Carducci’s
enthusiastic opinion of Pascarella and the friendship
between the two poets it is enough to insist on the epic of
Villa Glori, on the type of poetry that Carducci dreamed of
doing and did not do, on the undeniable liking the author of
the Giambi always showed for whoever took an interest in

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