Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

mainstream of the literary evolution of the

nation and of that “global village” we call

the world.

The recent “discovery” of the work of

Raffaele Capriglione, a poet already

mentioned, although briefly, by E. Ambrogio

Paterno in his anthology (op. cit.), does not

significantly alter the picture of Molisan

poetry in dialect that we have presented. His

opera omnia, both prose and poetry, has

been published by the Town of Santa croce

di Magliano, which approved a project of

several years aimed at publishing everything

writen by the poet from Santa Croce. The

first two volumes of this project have been

issued: Raffaele Capriglione, ‘U l’uteme

sabbete d’abbrile ed altre feste popolari a Santa

Croce di Magliano (poesie dialettali) [The Last

Saturday in April and Other Popular

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