Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Nicola G. De Donno, who has considerably

ennobled dialect not only from a political

and polemical point of view, but more

broadly by extending its expressive power

toward a pessimistic look at the human


Taranto and Brindisi also, with their

respective provinces, have given an

abundant production in dialect. The Taranto

area “is linguistically closer to Metaponto

and is connected to the poleis of Greater

Greece” (Poesia dialettale dal Rinascimento a

oggi - Dialect Poetry From the Renaissance

Until Today ─, edited by G. Spagnoletti and

C. Vivaldi, Milan, Garzanti 1991, vol. 2, p.

1002). For this area it will suffice to

remember Michele Scialpi, Emilio Consiglio,

Cataldo Acquaviva, Michele De Noto, Diego

Marturano, Giuseppe Cravere. Brindisi, in

turn, can boast of an ancient tradition, that

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