Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1
The Dragon

(A fearful dragon wreaks havoc in the community of the
small town on the Gargano, San Marco in Lamis. The
victims of one more violence by the monster are two young
lovers: Velina and Seppantonio. The council assembly, after
a lively and much-debated session, decides to arm the
people who, wielding sickles and axes, hoes and firearms,
picks and knives, under the high protection of the Arcangel
Michael, leave in search of the dragon. Meanwhile there is a
rumor going around that in a place called “Canalone” an
attack on the monster is under way. All ends amidst the
wonder and joy of the attackers, when instead of the
monster they find, crouching in the hayrick but safe and
sound, Velina and Seppantonio. The poem ends in general
exultation, with the talked-about wedding between the two
young people).
The first to speak was Master Andrea
Tops with the trowel who can also read:
“Gentlemen, I propose to this assembly
That the dragon’s hiding place we need
To scout, where he rests at night:
When ready to come out...he’s walled up tight.”

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