Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Chele Colasanta turns to reply then,
A person of learning, without a doubt
Because he’s read Genoveffa start to end,
He says: “You want to build a wall out
There around the town high and stout
But the costs you aren’t even worrying about.”
“And that’s without thinking of the time” cuts in
Michele Zazzarella, a carpenter,
“If for just an instant you would listen
My suggestion to you is yet another,
All around our town a fence we should
Make of good strong and seasoned wood.”
“Macchè”, risponne n’atu Cunsigliere ¬
“Che vu’ apparcà li crape? A me mi pare
─ In qualità di vecchie terrazziere ─
Che più meglio sarebbe di scavare,
Un fosso tanto fuco... ossia... profondo,
Per quanto è lu paese tondo tondo”.
“Macché!” Grida lu Sinneche. ¬“Mo basta!
Voi parlate di fossi e muri e detti,

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