Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


Joseph Tusiani (San Marco in Lamis, FG,

1924) was for many years professor of Italian

Literature in several American universities.

A multilingual and prolific writer of verse as

well as prose, has published in English Rind

and All: New York, Monastine, 1962; The Fifth

Season, New York: Obolensky, 1964; Gente

mia and Other Poems, Stone Park IL: Italian

Cultural center, 1978; in Latin Carmina latina,

edited by E. Bandiera, Fasano: Schena, 1994;

in Italian the three volume autobiography La

parola difficile, 1988; La parola nuova, 1991; La

parola antica, 1991, Fasano: Schena. Very vast

is his work as a translator of international

repute: The complete Poems of Michelangelo;

Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered and Creation of the

World; Bocaccio’s Nymphs of Fiesole; The Age

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