Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


Lino Angiuli (Valenzano, Bari, 1946) lives

and works in Monopoli, where he directs a

Center for Cultural Services for the Region


He has published in Italian: Liriche,

Cosenza: Pellegrini, 1967; La parola l’ulivo

[The Word the Olive Tree], Manduria:

Lacaita, 1975; Campi d’alopecia [Alopecia

Fields], ib. 1979; Amar clus, Foggia: Bastogi,

1984; Di ventotto ce n’è uno, Fasano: Schena,

1991. In dialect: Iune la lune [One the Moon],

Fasano: Schena, 1979; U àrune d l Crestiane

[The Tree of the Christians], in Il belpaese, 4,

1989. For Schena Publishing he edits, with

Giovanni Custodero, the poetry series

Aggetti; with Giovanni Dotoli and Raffaele

Nigro the section Meridioni of the Biblioteca

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