Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

7 Dante Maffia, “Jacì,” in U Ddìe puvirìlle, Milan 1990.
8 Cf. Passione e ideologia, Milan 1960, p.137.
9 Of “endophasia” speak both Baldini with respect to
Biagio Marin (“he disinters an almost extinct dialect...
making it phonetically extravagant, but all the more
resounding with personal accents in the direction of a
private endophasia,” “Osservazioni sull'ultima poesia
dialettale,” in Ulisse, XI, February 1972) and Mengaldo with
respect to Pierro (“...one can grasp... the necessary paradox
... of a part of the current poetry in dialect, which from
vehicle of socially open and communicative messages tends
to become more and more a jealously individual language,
almost endophasic,” in Poeti italiani del Novecento, Milan
1978, p.960; but already Contini, reviewing Pasolini's Poesie
a Casarsa, stigmatized the necessity of a progressively
stratified reading of dialect poetry, as if refusing the
medianic assistance of translation: “allow a certain time to
digest this Friulan dialect, which is not everyday food; leave
some margin to the wonder that a “spirit” “ à la page” has
taken refuge among those final s's, those palatals, those
diphtongs” (“Il limite della poesia dialettale,” in Corriere del
Ticino, April 24, 1943.
10 Cf. Via terra. Antologia di poesia neodialettale, edited by
A. Serrao with an introduction by Luigi Reina, Udine 1992.

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