Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
FIGURE 45. Moment distribution.

  1. Calculate the unbalanced moments
    Computing the unbalanced moments at B and C yields the following: At B, +54.0 - 48.0 =

  • 6.0 ft-kips (8.14 kN-m); at C, +48.0 - 78.8 = -30.8 fit-kips (-41.76 kN-m).

  1. Apply balancing moments; distribute them in proportion to the
    stiffness of the adjoining spans
    Apply the balancing moments at B and C, and distribute them to the two adjoining spans
    in proportion to their stiffness. Thus MBA = -6.0(15/31) = -2.9 ft-kips (-3.93 kN-m);
    MBC = -6.0(16/31) = -3.1 ft-kips (-4.20 kN-m); MCB = +30.8(16/25) = +19.7 ft-kips
    (26.71 kN m); MCD = +30.8(9/25) = +11.1 ft-kips (15.05 kN-m).
    5. Perform the "carry-over" operation for each span
    To do this, take one-half the distributed moment applied at one end of the span, and add
    this to the moment at the far end if that end is considered to be fixed during moment dis-

F.e.m., ft • kips
1st distribution


2nd distribution


3rd distribution


4 th distribution


Final moments

Length (N.T.S.)
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