Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
TABLE 5 Forces in Truss Members (Fig. 46)
A, in^2 L, in U, kips S', kips
Member (cm^2 ) (mm) (kN) S,kips(kN) U^2 LIA SULIA (kN)

AB 5 108 O +15.25 O O +15.25
(32.2) (2,743.2) (O) (+67.832) (O) (O) (+67.832)
BC 5 108 -0.60 +15.25 +7.8 -197.6 +14.07
(32.2) (2,743.2) (-2.668) (+67.832) (+615.54) (-15,417.78) (+62.588)
CD 5 108 O +13.63 O O +13.63
(32.2) (2,743.2) (O) (+60.626) (O) (O) (+60.626)
EF 4 108 -0.60 -13.63 +9.7 +220.8 -14.81
(25.8) (2,743.2) (-2.688) (-60.626) (+756.84) (+ 17,198.18) (-65.874)
BE 4 144 -0.80 +4.50 +23.0 -129.6 +2.92
(25.8) (3,657.6) (-3.558) (+20.016) (+1,794.68) (-10,096.24) (+12.988)
CF 4 144 -0.80 +2.17 +23.0 -62.5 +0.59
(25.8) (3,657.6) (-3.558) (+9.952) (+1.794.68) (-4,868.55) (+2.624)
AE 6 180 O -25.42 O O -25.42
(38.7) (4,572.0) (O) (-113.068) (O) (O) (-113.068)
BF 5 180 +1.00 O +36.0 O +1.97
(32.2) (4,572.0) (+4.448) (O) (+2,809.18) (O) (+8.762)
CE 5 180 +1.00 -2.71 +36.0 -97.6 -0.74
(32.2) (4,572.0) (+4.448) (-9.652) (+2,809.18) (-6,095.82) (-3.291)
DF 6 180 O -32.71 O O -32.71
(38.7) (4,572.0) (O) (-145.494) (O) (O) (-145.494)
Total +135.5 -266.5
(+10,580.1) (-19,280.2)

  1. Calculate the force induced in each member solely
    by the unit force
    Calling the induced force U 9 produced solely by the unit tension in BF, record the results
    in Table 5, considering tensile forces as positive and compressive forces as negative.

  2. Calculate the force Induced In each member solely
    by the applied loads
    With BF eliminated, calculate the force S induced in each member solely by the applied

  3. Evaluate the true force in the selected member
    Use the relation BF = -\^SULI (AE)]I^V
    Ll (AE)]. The numerator represents Aa; the de-
    nominator represents A 4 for a 1-kip (4.45-kN) tensile force in BF. Since E is constant, it
    cancels. Substituting the values in Table 5 gives BF = -(-266.5/135.5) = 1.97 kips (8.76
    kN). The positive result confirms the assumption that BF is tensile.

  4. Evaluate the true force in each member
    Use the relation S' = S + 1.97 U 9 where S' = true force. The results are shown in Table 5.

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