Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1



Preface ............................................................................ ix

How to Use This Handbook ............................................. xiii

Section 1. Structural Steel Engineering and

Design ........................................................... 1.

Part 1. Statics, Stress and Strain, and Flexural
Analysis ................................................................... 1.

Principles of Statics; Geometric Properties of
Areas ................................................................. 1.

Graphical Analysis of a Force System ........................ 1.

Analysis of Static Friction ........................................... 1.

Analysis of a Structural Frame ................................... 1.

Graphical Analysis of a Plane Truss ........................... 1.

Truss Analysis by the Method of Joints ...................... 1.

Truss Analysis by the Method of Sections .................. 1.

Reactions of a Three-Hinged Arch ............................. 1.

Length of Cable Carrying Known Loads ..................... 1.

Parabolic Cable Tension and Length ......................... 1.

Catenary Cable Sag and Distance between
Supports ............................................................... 1.

Stability of a Retaining Wall ........................................ 1.

Analysis of a Simple Space Truss .............................. 1.

Analysis of a Compound Space Truss ....................... 1.

Geometric Properties of an Area ................................ 1.

Product of Inertia of an Area ....................................... 1.

Properties of an Area with Respect to Rotated
Axes ...................................................................... 1.
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