Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
At E, V= 207 - 4.67(4) = 188 kips (836.2 kN); v = 188/29.75 = 6.32 kips/in
(43.576 MPa) > 3.45 kips/in
(23.787 MPa); therefore, intermediate stiffeners are re-
quired in EB.

  1. Provide stiffeners, and investigate the suitability of their
    tentative spacing
    Provide stiffeners at F, the center of EB. See whether this spacing satisfies the Specifica-
    tion. Thus [260AMJ]^2 = (260/155)^2 = 2.81; a/h = 122/68 = 1.79 < 2.81. This is accept-
    Entering the table referred to in step 6 with a/h = 1.79 and hltw =155 shows vallow =
    7.85 > 6.32. This is acceptable.
    Before we conclude that the stiffener spacing is satisfactory, it is necessary to investi-
    gate the combined shearing and bending stress and the bearing stress in interval EB.

  2. Analyze the combination of shearing and bending stress
    This analysis should be made throughout EB in the light of the Specification require-
    ments. The net effect is to reduce the allowable bending moment whenever V >
    0.6Fallow. Thus, K 81101 , = 7.85(29.75) = 234 kips (1040.8 kN); and 0.6(234) = 140 kips
    (622.7 kN).
    In Fig. 86, locate the boundary section G where V= 140 kips (622.7 kN). The allow-
    able moment must be reduced to the left of G. Thus, AG = (207 - 140)/4 = 16.75 ft (5.105
    m); M 0 = 2906 ft-kips (3940.5 kN-m); ME = 922 ft-kips (1250.2 kN-m). At G, Mallow =
    4053 ft-kips (5495.8 kN-m). At £,/allow = 0.825 - 0.375(188/234) = 18.9 kips/in^2
    (130.31 MPa); Mallow = 18.9(77,440)/[35.25(12)] = 3460 ft-kips (4691.8 kN-m).
    In Fig. 8c, plot points E' and G' to represent the allowable moments and connect these
    points with a straight line. In all instances, M< Mallow.

  3. Use an alternative procedure, if desired
    As an alternative procedure in step 8, establish the interval within which M > 0.75Mallow
    and reduce the allowable shear in accordance with the equation given in the Specification.

  4. Compare the bearing stress under the uniform load
    with the allowable stress
    The allowable stress given in the Specification fb allow = [5.5 + 4/(a//z)^2 ]10,OOOAMJ^2
    kips/in^2 (MPa), or, for this girder, fballow = (5.5 +' 4/1.79^2 )10,000/155^2 = 2.81 kips/in^2
    (19.374 MPa). Then fb = 4/[12(0.438)] = 0.76 kips/in^2 (5.240 MPa). This is acceptable.
    The stiffener spacing in interval EB is therefore satisfactory in all respects.

  5. Investigate the need for transverse stiffeners
    in the center interval
    Considering the interval BC, V= 32 kips (142.3 kN); v = 1.08 kips/in^2 (7.447 MPa); a/h =
    192/68 = 2.82 « [260/(MJ]^2 -
    The Manual table used in step 6 shows that z;allow > 1.08 kips/in^2 (7.447 MPa);/ 6 allow =
    (5.5 + 4/2.82^2 )10,000/155^2 = 2.49 kips/in^2 (17.169 MPa) > 0.76 kips/in^2 (5.240 MPa).
    This is acceptable. Since all requirements are satisfied, stiffeners are not needed in inter-
    val BC.

  6. Design the intermediate stiffeners in accordance
    with the Specification
    For the interval EB, the preceding calculations yield these values: v = 6.32 kips/in
    (43.576 MPa); z;allow = 7.85 kips/in^2 (54.125 MPa). Enter the table mentioned in step 6
    with a/h = 1.79 and h/tw = 155 to obtain the percentage of web area, shown in italics in the
    table. Thus, Ast required = 0.0745(29.75)(6.32/7.85) = 1.78 in^2 (11.485 cm^2 ). Try two
    4 x 1/4 in (101.6 x 6.35 mm) plates; Ast = 2.0 in^2 (12.90 cm^2 ); width-thickness ratio =
    4/0.25 = 16. This is acceptable. Also, (/*/50)^4 = (68/5O)^4 = 3.42 in^4 (142.351 cm^4 );

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