Contents ix
Bending of a Circular Flat Plate .................................. 1.
Bending of a Rectangular Flat Plate ........................... 1.
Combined Bending and Axial Load Analysis .............. 1.
Flexural Stress in a Curved Member .......................... 1.
Soil Pressure under Dam ........................................... 1.
Load Distribution in Pile Group ................................... 1.
Deflection of Beams ..................................................... 1.
Double-Integration Method of Determining Beam
Deflection .............................................................. 1.
Moment-Area Method of Determining Beam
Deflection .............................................................. 1.
Conjugate-Beam Method of Determining Beam
Deflection .............................................................. 1.
Unit-Load Method of Computing Beam
Deflection .............................................................. 1.
Deflection of a Cantilever Frame ................................ 1.
Statically Indeterminate Structures ............................... 1.
Shear and Bending Moment of a Beam on a
Yielding Support ................................................... 1.
Maximum Bending Stress in Beams Jointly
Supporting a Load ................................................ 1.
Theorem of Three Moments ....................................... 1.
Theorem of Three Moments: Beam with
Overhang and Fixed End ...................................... 1.
Bending-Moment Determination by Moment
Distribution ............................................................ 1.
Analysis of a Statically Indeterminate Truss ............... 1.
Moving Loads and Influence Lines ............................... 1.
Analysis of Beam Carrying Moving Concentrated
Loads .................................................................... 1.
Influence Line for Shear in a Bridge Truss ................. 1.