3, the member behaves as a mechanism (i.e., a constrained chain of pin-connected rigid
bodies, or links).
In Fig. 23, indicate, in hyperbolic manner, the virtual displacement of the member
from its initial position ABC to a subsequent position AB'C. Use dots to represent plastic
hinges. (The initial position may be represented by a straight line for simplicity because
the analysis is concerned solely with the deformation that occurs during phase 3.)
- Express the linear
displacement under the load
and the angular displacement
at every plastic hinge
Use a convenient unit to express these dis-
placements. Thus, A = a0A = bSc; therefore,
ec = aBA/b = (^26) A; O 8 = BA + (^8) C = (^30) A
- Evaluate the external and
internal work associated with
the virtual displacement
FIGURE 23 The work performed by a constant force
equals the product of the force and its dis-
placement parallel to its action line. Also,
the work performed by a constant moment
equals the product of the moment and its angular displacement. Work is a positive quanti-
ty when the displacement occurs in the direction of the force or moment. Thus, the exter-
nal work WE = PMA = P^BA = 20PUBA. And the internal work W 1 = Mp(BB + Oc) = 5MpBA. - Equate the external and internal work to evaluate
the ultimate load
Thus, 2QP 11 OA = 5MP (^0) A; Pu = (5/20)(268.8) = 67.20 kips (298.906 kN).
The solution method used here is also termed the virtual-work, or kinematic, method.
If the beam in the two previous calculation procedures is fixed at A as well as at C, what is
the ultimate load that may be applied at Bl
Calculation Procedure:
- Determine when failure impends
When hinges form at A 9 B, and C, failure impends. Repeat steps 3 and 4 of the previous
calculation procedure, modifying the calculations to reflect the revised conditions. Thus
WE = 2QPU (^0) A; W 1 = MP(8a +O 8 + Oc) = 6MpOA; 20PU (^6) A = 6MP (^6) A; Pn = (6/20)(268.8) =
80.64 kips (358.687 kN).
- Analyze the phases through which the member passes
This member passes through three phases until the ultimate load is reached. Initially, it
behaves as a beam fixed at both ends, then as a beam fixed at the left end only, and final-
ly as a simply supported beam. However, as already discussed, these considerations are
extraneous in plastic design.