Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

x Contents

Force in Truss Diagonal Caused by a Moving
Uniform Load ........................................................ 1.

Force in Truss Diagonal Caused by Moving
Concentrated Loads ............................................. 1.

Influence Line for Bending Moment in Bridge
Truss ..................................................................... 1.

Force in Truss Chord Caused by Moving
Concentrated Loads ............................................. 1.

Influence Line for Bending Moment in Three-
Hinged Arch .......................................................... 1.

Deflection of a Beam under Moving Loads ................. 1.

Riveted and Welded Connections ................................ 1.

Capacity of a Rivet ..................................................... 1.

Investigation of a Lap Splice ....................................... 1.

Design of a Butt Splice ............................................... 1.

Design of a Pipe Joint ................................................. 1.

Moment on Riveted Connection ................................. 1.

Eccentric Load on Riveted Connection ...................... 1.

Design of a Welded Lap Joint ..................................... 1.

Eccentric Load on a Welded Connection ................... 1.

Part 2. Structural Steel Design ........................................... 1.

Steel Beams and Plate Girders .................................... 1.

Most Economic Section for a Beam with a
Continuous Lateral Support under a Uniform
Load ...................................................................... 1.

Most Economic Section for a Beam with
Intermittent Lateral Support under Uniform
Load ...................................................................... 1.

Design of a Beam with Reduced Allowable
Stress .................................................................... 1.

Design of a Cover-Plated Beam ................................. 1.

Design of a Continuous Beam .................................... 1.
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