Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

Contents xi

Shearing Stress in a Beam - Exact Method ................ 1.

Shearing Stress in a Beam - Approximate
Method .................................................................. 1.

Moment Capacity of a Welded Plate Girder ............... 1.

Analysis of a Riveted Plate Girder .............................. 1.

Design of a Welded Plate Girder ................................ 1.

Steel Columns and Tension Members .......................... 1.

Capacity of a Built-Up Column ................................... 1.

Capacity of a Double-Angle Star Strut ........................ 1.

Section Selection for a Column with Two Effective
Lengths ................................................................. 1.

Stress in Column with Partial Restraint against
Rotation ................................................................ 1.

Lacing of Built-Up Column .......................................... 1.

Selection of a Column with a Load at an
Intermediate Level ................................................ 1.

Design of an Axial Member for Fatigue ...................... 1.

Investigation of a Beam Column ................................. 1.

Application of Beam-Column Factors ......................... 1.

Net Section of a Tension Member .............................. 1.

Design of a Double-Angle Tension Member ............... 1.

Plastic Design of Steel Structures ................................ 1.

Allowable Load on Bar Supported by Rods ................ 1.

Determination of Section Shape Factors .................... 1.

Determination of Ultimate Load by the Static
Method .................................................................. 1.

Determining the Ultimate Load by the Mechanism
Method .................................................................. 1.

Analysis of a Fixed-End Beam under
Concentrated Load ............................................... 1.

Analysis of a Two-Span Beam with Concentrated
Loads .................................................................... 1.
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