Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

Contents xv

Design of a T Beam Having Concrete Stressed to
Capacity ................................................................ 2.27

Design of a T Beam Having Steel Stressed to
Capacity ................................................................ 2.28

Reinforcement for Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Beam ................................................ 2.29

Deflection of a Continuous Beam ............................... 2.30

Design of Compression Members by Ultimate-
Strength Method ................................................. 2.32

Analysis of a Rectangular Member by Interaction
Diagram ................................................................ 2.32

Axial-Load Capacity of Rectangular Member ............. 2.34

Allowable Eccentricity of a Member ............................ 2.36

Design of Compression Members by Working-
Stress Method .................................................... 2.36

Design of a Spirally Reinforced Column ..................... 2.37

Analysis of a Rectangular Member by Interaction
Diagram ................................................................ 2.38

Axial-Load Capacity of a Rectangular Member .......... 2.40

Design of Column Footings .......................................... 2.41

Design of an Isolated Square Footing ........................ 2.42

Combined Footing Design .......................................... 2.43

Cantilever Retaining Walls ........................................... 2.46

Design of a Cantilever Retaining Wall ........................ 2.47

Part 2. Prestressed Concrete ............................................. 2.51

Determination of Prestress Shear and Moment ............ 2.53

Stresses in a Beam with Straight Tendons ................... 2.54

Determination of Capacity and Prestressing Force
for a Beam with Straight Tendons ...................... 2.57

Beam with Deflected Tendons ...................................... 2.59

Beam with Curved Tendons ......................................... 2.60
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