Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

(3.96 m). If the yield-point stress is 33,000 lb/in
(227.5 MPa), compute the allowable
unit load for this member and the corresponding deflection.

Calculation Procedure:

  1. Record the relevant properties of the entire cross-sectional area
    Refer to the AISI Specification and Manual. The allowable load is considered to be the
    ultimate load that the member will carry divided by a load factor of 1.65. At ultimate
    load, the bending stress varies considerably across the compression flange. To surmount
    the difficulty that this condition introduces, the AISI Specification permits the designer to
    assume that the stress is uniform across an effective flange width to be established in the
    prescribed manner. The investigation is complicated by the fact that the effective flange
    width and the bending stress in compression are interdependent quantities, for the follow-
    ing reason. The effective width depends on the compressive stress; the compressive
    stress, which is less than the basic design stress, depends on the location of the neutral
    axis; the location of the neutral axis, in turn, depends on the effective width.
    The beam deflection is also calculated by establishing an effective flange width. How-
    ever, since the beam capacity is governed by stresses at the ultimate load and the beam
    deflection is governed by stresses at working load, the effective widths associated with
    these two quantities are unequal.
    A table in the AISI Manual contains two design values that afford a direct solution to
    this problem. However, the values are computed independently here to demonstrate how
    they are obtained. The notational system presented in the previous calculation procedure
    is used, as well as A' = area of cross section exclusive of compression flange; H= static
    moment of cross-sectional area with respect to top of section; yb and yt = distance from
    centroidal axis of cross section to bottom and top of section, respectively.
    We use the AISI Manual to determine the relevant properties of the entire cross-sec-
    tional area, as shown in Fig. 24: A = 3.13 in^2 (20.2 cm^2 ); yb = 5.23 in (132.8 mm); /, =
    26.8 in^4 (1115.5 cm^4 ); R = Vi 6 in (4.8 mm).

  2. Establish the value of fc for load determination
    Use the relation (8040;^2 //C°-^5 ){1 - 2010/[(/c°-^5 g)/f]} = (HID)(fc +fb)lfc-A'. Substituting
    givesg = B-2(t + R)= 12.0-2(0.105 + 0.1875) = 11.415 in(289.9 mm);git = 108.7;gt
    = 1.20 in^2 (7.74 cm^2 ); A = 3.13 - 1.20 = 1.93 in^2 (12.45 cm^2 ); yt = 8.0 - 5.23 = 2.77 in
    (70.36 cm); H= 3.13(2.77) = 8.670 in^3 (142.1 cm^3 ). The foregoing equation then reduces
    to (88.64//°-^5 )(l - 18.49//?^5 ) = 1.084(/c + 20,000)//c - 1.93. By successive approxima-
    tions,^ = 14,800 lb/in^2 (102.0 MPa).

  3. Compute the corresponding effective flange width for load
    determination in accordance with the AISI Manual
    Thus, b = (8040f#?-^5 )l - 2010/[(/?-^5 g)/f]} = (8040 x 0.105/14,800°-^5 )[1 - 2010/(14,800°-^5
    x 108.7)] - 5.885 in (149.5 mm).

  4. Locate the centroidal axis of the cross section having this
    effective width; check the value of fc
    Refer to Fig. 246. Thus h=g-b=ll.4l5- 5.885 = 5.530 in (140.5 mm); ht = 0.581 in^2
    (3.75 cm
    ); A = 3.13 - 0.581 = 2.549 in
    (16.45 cm
    ); H = 8.670 in
    (142.1 cm
    ); yt =
    8.670/ 2.549 = 3.40 in (86.4 mm); yb = 4.60 in (116.8 mm);/c =ytlyb = 3.40(20,000)/4.60
    = 14,800 lb/in^2 (102.0 MPa), which is satisfactory.

  5. Compute the allowable load
    The moment of inertia of the net section may be found by applying the value of the gross
    section and making the necessary corrections. Applying Sx = IxIy^ we get Ix = 26.8 +

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