Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

Contents xix

Section 5. Surveying, Route Design, and Highway

Bridges .......................................................... 5.1

Surveying and Route Design ................................................ 5.2

Plotting a Closed Traverse ........................................... 5.2

Area of Tract with Rectilinear Boundaries .................... 5.4

Partition of a Tract ........................................................ 5.5

Area of Tract with Meandering Boundary: Offsets at
Irregular Intervals ............................................... 5.7

Differential Leveling Procedure .................................... 5.8

Stadia Surveying .......................................................... 5.9

Volume of Earthwork .................................................... 5.10

Determination of Azimuth of a Star by Field
Astronomy .......................................................... 5.11

Time of Culmination of a Star ....................................... 5.14

Plotting a Circular Curve .............................................. 5.14

Intersection of Circular Curve and Straight Line ........... 5.17

Realignment of Circular Curve by Displacement of
Forward Tangent ................................................ 5.18

Characteristics of a Compound Curve .......................... 5.18

Analysis of a Highway Transition Spiral ....................... 5.20

Transition Spiral: Transit at Intermediate Station .......... 5.24

Plotting a Parabolic Arc ................................................ 5.25

Location of a Single Station on a Parabolic Arc ............ 5.28

Location of a Summit ................................................... 5.29

Parabolic Curve to Contain a Given Point .................... 5.29

Sight Distance on a Vertical Curve ............................... 5.31

Mine Surveying: Grade of Drift ..................................... 5.32

Determining Strike and Dip from Two Apparent
Dips .................................................................... 5.33
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