Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

  1. Construct the banding-moment diagram
    Apply the ACI equation for maximum midspan moment. Refer to Fig. 19c: M 1 =
    (Ys)wL'^2 = (^1 / 8 )3.3(22)^2 - 200 ft-kips (271.2 kN-m); M 2 = (Vi 6 )WZ'^2 = 100 ft-kips (135.6
    kN-m); M 3 = 100 ft-kips (135.6 kN-m).

  2. Determine upon what area the moment of inertia should
    be based
    Apply the criterion set forth in the ACI Code to determine whether the moment of inertia
    is to be based on the transformed gross section or the transformed cracked section. At the
    support/^ = 4.43(40,000)/[14(20.5)] = 617 > 500. Therefore, use the cracked section.

  3. Determine the moment of inertia of the transformed cracked
    section at the support
    Refer to Fig. I9d: nAs = 10(4.43) = 44.3 in^2 (285.82 cm^2 ); (n - I)A 5 = 9(1.58) = 14.2 in^2
    (91.62 cm^2 ). The static moment with respect to the neutral axis is Q = - Yi(My^2 ) +
    44.3(20.5 -y)- I4.2(y - 2.5) = O; y = 8.16 in (207.264 mm). The moment of inertia with
    respect to the neutral axis is I 1 = (^1 X 3 )14(8.16)^3 + 14.2(8.16 - 2.5)^2 + 44.3(20.5 - 8.16)^2 =
    9737 in^4 (40.53 dm^4 ).


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