xxii Contents
Similarity or Affinity Laws for Centrifugal Pumps .......... 6.36
Similarity or Affinity Laws in Centrifugal Pump
Selection ............................................................ 6.37
Specific Speed Considerations in Centrifugal Pump
Selection ............................................................ 6.38
Selecting the Best Operating Speed for a
Centrifugal Pump ............................................... 6.40
Total Head on a Pump Handling Vapor-Free
Liquid ................................................................. 6.42
Pump Selection for any Pumping System .................... 6.47
Analysis of Pump and System Characteristic
Curves ............................................................... 6.55
Net Positive Suction Head for Hot-Liquid Pumps ......... 6.61
Part 3. Centrifugal Pumps and Hydro Power ..................... 6.63
Minimum Safe Flow for a Centrifugal Pump ................. 6.63
Selecting a Centrifugal Pump to Handle a Viscous
Liquid ................................................................. 6.64
Pump Shaft Deflection and Critical Speed .................... 6.66
Effect of Liquid Viscosity on Regenerative-Pump
Performance ...................................................... 6.67
Effect of Liquid Viscosity on Redciprocating-Pump
Performance ...................................................... 6.69
Effect of Viscosity and Dissolved Gas on Rotary
Pumps ................................................................ 6.70
Selection of Materials for Pump Parts .......................... 6.72
Sizing a Hydropneumatic Storage Tank ....................... 6.72
Using Centrifugal Pumps as Hydraulic Turbines .......... 6.73
Sizing Centrifugal-Pump Impellers for Safety
Service ............................................................... 6.78
Pump Choice to Reduce Energy Consumption and
Loss ................................................................... 6.81