Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

  1. Determine whether the section moduli are excessive
    Do this by setting fbf and/, equal to their allowable values and computing the correspon-
    ding values of/w and/^. Thus,^ 7 = 0.85/^ - 2334 - -425; therefore,/^ - +2246 lb/in

(+15,486.2 kPa);/ri = ftp = -190 lb/in
(-1310.1 kPa);/w =4, ='+2246 < 2400 lb/in

(+16,548.0 kPa). This is acceptable. Also, ^= 0.85(-19O) + 1067 = +905 < 2250 lb/in

(+15,513.8 kPa); this is acceptable. The section moduli are therefore excessive.

  1. Find the minimum
    prestressing force and its
    Refer to Fig. 40. Thus,/^ = +2246 lb/in^2
    (+15,486.2 kPa); ftp = -190 lb/in^2
    (-1310.1 kPa); slope of AB = 2246 -
    (-190)716 = 152.3 Ib/(in^2 -in) (41.33
    MPa/m); F 1 IA = CD = 2246 - 10.98
    (152.3) = 574 lb/in
    (3957.7 kPa); F 1 =
    574(316) = 181,400 Ib (806,867.2 N);
    slope of AB = Fie/I = 152.3; e =
    152.3(7240)/!81,400 = 6.07 in (154.178
    mm^ FIGURE 40. Prestress diagram.

  2. Determine the number of
    strands required, and establish
    their disposition
    In accordance with the ACI Code, allowable initial force per strand = 0.1089
    (0.70)(248,000) = 18,900 Ib (84,067.2 N); number required - 181,400/18,900 = 9.6.
    Therefore, use 10 strands (5 in each web) stressed to 18,140 Ib (80,686.7 N) each.
    Referring to the ACI Code for the minimum clear distance between the strands, we
    find the allowable center-to-center spacing = 4(Yi 6 ) = I^3 A in (44.45 mm). Use a 2-in (50.8-
    mm) spacing. In Fig. 41, locate the centroid of the steel, or y = (2^2+1 x 4)/5 = 1.60 in
    (40.64 mm); v = 10.98 - 6.07 - 1.60 = 3.31 in (84.074 mm); set v = 3Vi 6 in (84.138 mm).

  3. Calculate the allowable ultimate moment of the member
    in accordance with the ACI Code
    Thus, As = 10(0.1089) = 1.089 in^2 (7.0262 cm^2 ); d = yt + e = 5.02 + 6.07 - 11.09 in
    (281.686 mm);;? = AJ(bd) = 1.089/[72(11.09)] = 0.00137.

FIGURE 41. Location of tendons.
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