Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

xxviii Contents

Rate of Return on a Speculative Investment ................ 9.58

Investment at an Intermediate Date (Ambiguous
Case) ................................................................. 9.59

Payback Period of an Investment ................................. 9.60

Payback Period to Yield a Given Investment Rate ....... 9.61

Benefit-Cost Analysis ................................................... 9.61

Analysis of Business Operations .......................................... 9.63

Linear Programming to Maximize Income from
Joint Products .................................................... 9.63

Allocation of Production among Multiple Facilities
with Nonlinear Costs .......................................... 9.64

Optimal Product Mix with Nonlinear Profits .................. 9.65

Dynamic Programming to Minimize Cost of
Transportation .................................................... 9.67

Optimal Inventory Level ............................................... 9.69

Effect of Quantity Discount on Optimal Inventory
Level .................................................................. 9.71

Project Planning by the Critical-Path Method ............... 9.71

Project Planning Based on Available Workforce ........... 9.77

Statistics, Probability, and their Applications ........................ 9.80

Determination of Arithmetic Mean, Median, and
Standard Deviation ............................................. 9.80

Determination of Arithmetic Mean and Standard
Deviation of Grouped Data ................................. 9.82

Number of Ways of Assigning Work ............................. 9.83

Formation of Permutations Subject to a
Restriction .......................................................... 9.84

Formation of Combinations Subject to a
Restriction .......................................................... 9.84

Probability of a Sequence of Events ............................. 9.86

Probability Associated with a Series of Trials ............... 9.86
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