Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

  1. State the equation relating the four defined quantities

H(e{ - e 2 )


  1. Solve for e 2
    Thus: H= 30 in (762.0 mm); s = 0.50 in (12.7 mm); C 1 = 0.960; e 2 = 92.7 percent.



A soil specimen under a pressure of 1200 lb/ft^2 (57.46 kPa) is found to have a void ratio
of 103 percent. If the compression index is 0.178, what will be the void ratio when the
pressure is increased to 5000 lb/ft^2 (239.40 kPa)?

Calculation Procedure:

  1. Define the compression index
    By testing a soil specimen in a consolidometer, it is possible to determine the void ratio
    associated with a given compressive stress. When the sets of values thus obtained are
    plotted on semilogarithmic scales (void ratio vs. logarithm of stress), the resulting dia-
    gram is curved initially but becomes virtually a straight line beyond a specific point. The
    slope of this line is termed the compression index.

  2. Compute the soil void ratio
    Let Cc = compression index; ^ 1 and e 2 — original and final void ratio, respectively; Cr 1 and
    (T 2 - original and final normal stress, respectively.
    Write the equation of the straight-line portion of the diagram:

^ 1 -S 2 = QlOg- (32)
(T 2

Substituting and solving give 1.03 - e 2 = 0.178 log (5000/1200); e 2 = 92.0 percent. Note
that the logarithm is taken to the base 10.
Landfills—where municipal and industrial wastes are discarded—are subject to soil
consolidation because of gradual contraction of the components. To hasten this contrac-
tion and reduce the space needed for trash, some communities are mining established
When a trash landfill is mined, more than half of the contents may be combustible in
an incinerator. Useful electric power can be produced by burning the recovered trash. In
one landfill, some 54 percent of the trash is burned, 36 percent is recycled to cover new
trash, and 10 percent is returned to the landfill as unrecoverable. The overall effect is to
obtain useful power from the mined trash while reducing the volume of the trash by 75
percent. This allows more new trash to be stored at the landfill without increasing the area
Mining of landfills also saves closing costs, which can run into millions of dollars for
even the smallest landfill. Current EPA regulations require a landfill to be monitored for

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