Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1

Index terms Links

Depreciation and depletion (Continued)

declining-balance 9. 18

income from 9. 23

sinking-fund 9. 17 9. 18 9. 23

  1. 31

straight-line 9. 15 9. 16 9. 31

sum-of-the-digits 9. 21

taxes and earnings 9. 22

unit method 9. 24

Depth factor 3. 3

Dewatering of sludge 8. 19

Differential leveling 5. 8

Digester, wastewater sludge:

aerobic system design 8. 12

anaerobic system design 8. 41

Dimensional analysis 6. 27

Buckingham's pi theorem in 6. 28

Disinfection of wastewater, chlorinated 8. 44

Displacement of truss joint 1. 31


double meridian 5. 4 5. 5

sight 5. 31

Double-integration method 1. 55


in column footing 1. 157

in retaining wall 1. 165

Drainage pump, flow through 6. 11

Drawdown in gravity wells 7. 1

recovery 7. 6

Dummy pile 4. 34

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