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Hydroturbines: (Continued)
in small generating sites 6. 84
tube and bulb type 6. 86
Impact load, axial stress and 1. 32
Incompressible fluids, mechanics of 6. 7
Bernoulli's theorem 6. 8 6. 9
dimensional analysis 6. 27
equation of continuity 6. 8
Inertia, product of 1. 26
Inflation, effects of 9. 43
anticipated 9. 45
at constant rate 9. 43
on endowment fund 9. 46
on present worth of costs 9. 44
on replacement cost 9. 43
at variable rate 9. 43
Influence line:
for bridge truss 1. 70 1. 74
for three-hinged arch 1. 76
Initial yielding 1. 97
Interaction diagram 2. 32
Inventory, optimal level of 9. 69
Investments, evaluation of 9. 46
Irrigation, solar-powered pumps in 6. 90
Joints, method of 1. 11