51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1
Character49.Dorsal head of the hyomandibula is

The dorsal head of the hyomandibula of scaphi-
rhynchines is cylindrical and ends in a small ellipti-
cal tip (Figure 11d) that articulates with the neuro-
cranium as a loose joint.
Psephurus(Grande & Bemis 1991), Huso,andall
species ofAcipenserexamined possess hyomandib-
ulae with the dorsal head expanded frontally (Fig-
ure 11c). In extant polyodontids, the dorsal head is
rectangular. InHusoandAcipenser,the head is el-
liptical with an expanded bony shaft at its base (Fig-
ure 11c). The frontally expanded hyomandibula
forms a restrictive joint allowing pivoting in only

(Figure 4a). All species ofAcipenserexamined pos-
sess a ventral point of varying size (Figure 4b, c; see
Character 4), but none are as elongate as in scaphir-

Character47.Subopercle is distinctively shaped -

The subopercle is distinctive in scaphirhynchines by
being elongate with a prominent anterior process,
flattened dorsal edge, and abrupt anteroventral
notch that angles ventrally (Figure 7e, f). This shape
is typical ofScaphirhynchus, Pseudoscaphirhyn-
chusand also†Protoscaphirhynchus(Wilimovsky
1956). one plane.
Subopercle shape varies within Acipenseridae.
Husoand several species of Acipenser(e.g.,A.oxy-
rinchus,A.ruthenus)possess a triangular suboper-
cle (Figure 7c), while other species (e.g.,A.brevi-
rostrum,A.gueldenstaedtii)possess circular plates
with blunt anterior and ventral processes (Figure
7d).Nospecies ofAcipenserexamined possesses a
subopercle as dorsoventrally compressed as sca-
phirhynchines. The scaphirhynchine subopercle
correlates with the flattened head limiting space for
the operculum. As a shape character, it is difficult to
segregate subopercle areas as characters, but over-
all bone shape is unique.

Character50. Ventral edge of the hyomandibula is

The ventral head of the hyomandibula of scaphi-
rhynchines ends in a flat edge roughly perpendic-
ular to the long axis of the element (Figure 11d). The
interhyal joint opens on the anteroventral face, but
is not isolated from the ventral edge.
The hyomandibula ofPsephurus(Grande & Be-
mis 1991),Huso,and all species ofAcipenserexam-
ined taper ventrally into narrow anteroventral tips
(Figure 11a, b, c) that articulate with the interhyal.
Ventral flattening of the hyomandibula of scaphi-
rhynchines correlates with overall flattening of the
head and consequent restricted dorsoventral space
for the hyoid skeleton.

Character48. Lossof prearticular bones-Scaphi-

Prearticular bones are generally present on the oral
surface of Meckel’s cartilage (see Character 35),
but are absent in scaphirhynchines.
Prearticular bones are present inPsephurus(Fig-
ure 21a) and†Crossopholis(Grande & Bemis 1991),
†Chondrosteus(Traquair 1887, Watson 1925),Huso
(Figure 21b), and all species ofAcipenserexamined
(Figure 21c). Prearticulars are unknown in †Paleo-
psephurusand†Peipiaosteus(Liu & Zhou 1965),
but otherwise ubiquitous distribution of the bone in
outgroups suggests it is plesiomorphically present.

Character 51.Hypobranchial one contacts hypo-
branchial two -Scaphirhynchini

In scaphirhynchines, the posterior edge of hypo-
branchial one forms a wedge contacting hypobran-
chialtwo(Figure 13). Contact is slight, but liga-
ments consolidate the elements as a unit.
InPsephurus(Grande & Bemis 1991), hypobran-
chials are roughly cylindrical, without expansion of
the oral surface (Figure 13a).Husoand all species of
Acipenserexamined possess rectangular first hypo-
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